Each day this week, we will be counting down to the launch of the Cambridge Rules 1848 sculpture on Saturday by highlighting the story behind the location of one of the stones. Cut into nine pieces, five travel around the world in cultural exchange and four remain on Parker’s Piece.
We start today with the stone going to Shanghai, China…
Given that the earliest recorded form of a game where a ball had to be kicked into a net is not in England at all, but 3rd Century BC China, it’s apt that one of the stones is going to Shanghai. Shanghai Greenland Shenhua Football Club in its various historical guises is one of the oldest professional clubs in China, attracting the likes of Howard Wilkinson, Jean Tigana, Nicolas Anelka, Sergio Batista and Gus Poyet to coach one of the Chinese Super League’s biggest sides.
The stone will be situated at the Shanghai Greenland Shenhua training complex, which is at the centre of their impressive program developing a new generation of Chinese players. Their under 17 age group development team players made us a special video of them reading the 11 rules.
“As the chairman of the Shanghai Greenland Shenhua Football Club, I am very honoured to have the Cambridge Rules stone at our club,” said Mr Xiaohui Wu. “We believe that through our constant efforts and active progress, we want to let every Shanghai fan feel the infinite charm of football and enjoy a better life.”
作为上海绿地申花足球俱乐部的董事长,对于剑桥现代足球规则之石梦落户于我俱乐部,感到十分荣幸。剑桥大学是现代足球的发源地,诚如剑桥校训:此地乃启蒙之所和智慧之源(Hinc lucem et pocula sacra),而上海也恰好是中国大陆最早开展现代足球运动的城市。中国经济前进的步伐非常迅猛,足球运动也在一步步蓬勃发展,越来越多的人们愿意在到球场看球,喜欢去亲自体会踢球的乐趣,足球已经越来越多地融入到大家的生活中。作为世界500强企业的上海绿地集团,我们精心地运营着中国历史最悠久、底蕴最深厚的职业足球俱乐部——上海申花。“绿地,让生活更美好”是我们集团的口号,相信通过我们共同不断的努力和积极的进取,绿地申花足球俱乐部也可以让每一位上海球迷感受到足球的无限魅力,享受到更美好的生活。汉语中有 “叠石为山”一说,意为建功立业。那么由衷地希望可以通过这块剑桥现代足球规则之石安放在绿地申花俱乐部所带来的足球文化内涵和吉祥好运,让申花更为绚烂地绽放在中国和世界的足球版图中。
Shengjiong Qiu says “The goalkeeper is the last line of defense in the team, and most of them need to be like a meteorite. Hardness and perseverance. Even if the time goes by, the time will wear away some of the sharpness of my body, but I will be as loyal to guard Shenhua as the stone of Cambridge’s modern football rules, despite the wind and rain, it is always there!”
Before the stone leaves for China, the ‘football mad’ workmen at Scribblestone, Halifax posed for a photograph with the Chinese stone. They are: Matt Broadbent – Sisakete FC; Roy Gee – Newcastle FC; Melvin Hall – Liverpool FC; Karl (Pnut) – Ivey House FC, who are sponsored by Scribblestone.
Shanghai Greenland Shenhua Football Club are one of Cambridge Rules 1848’s global partners.