About Cambridge Rules
What began as a simple set of rules for a game of football played on a patch of ground in Cambridge, has grown into a worldwide phenomena embraced by diverse cultures around the world.

Written in Stone
One large stone cut into nine, engraved with the laws of the game in different languages. Four stones stay on Parker’s Piece, the others travel to five countries across the planet in a cultural exchange.
Interpreted Worldwide
For centuries, Parker's Piece has been used for sport, recreation and public events. But where do you play football? Share your stories, photographs and film about the beautiful game wherever it is played.
Brought Back to Cambridge
In 2018, football stories, images and sounds gathered from around the world will be displayed on Parker’s Piece as Cambridge’s stone marker is unveiled - celebrating the city’s role in the story of football.
Rufus Wilkinson
Made up a chant for Manchester United’s new signing Casamiro. It’s based on the melody of Robbie Williams track “Candy” Hey Ho Casamiro, Born & Raised in São Paulo United here we go Casa miroooo

Javier Osorno
enjoying my Cambridge Rules book and my page. Picture from when I was a boy and when I was working in London in my Real Betis Kit. Back at home now but loving the book.

Matteo Muller
Switzerland 1 - Spain 0. World Cup finals in South Africa 2010. Although Spain won the World Cup, we were the only team to beat them in that tournament and I was there to see it with the son of… Read More

Cambridge Rules 1848 legacy artist bookwork is published!
One hundred and sixty five years after a group of students from Cambridge University first nailed their rules of the game of football to a tree, Cambridge City Council agreed to undertake a public art commission to celebrate the ‘Cambridge Rules’ and acknowledge the important role that… Read More

Ian Beresford
Taking in late 2019. This has been by position watching Berwick Rangers since 1977. This side faces the Sun so early season most games are watched with covered eyes or wearing a hat and even through Winter the sunset will… Read More

Virtual Book Launch | Kick off: March 18, 7.30pm
Virtual Book Launch | Kick off: March 18, 7.30pm Tickets are free, please register through Eventbrite click here Just prior to the day Cambridge United play Forest Green Rovers in a crucial top-of-the table clash in League 2, join artists Alan Ward and Neville Gabie for a… Read More
Michael Docking
During the CONIFA World Cup of 2018 the officials shirts had a map of the world incorporated into it. Here is the reverse showing part of the globe.


The Cambridge Rules 1848 legacy book has printed!
Now that the final stone has been placed in Egypt, we have been able to go to print on the book of the project. It is a miniature version of the sculpture with a special sleeve. 800 pages of the project development and making, our global partner… Read More