About Cambridge Rules
What began as a simple set of rules for a game of football played on a patch of ground in Cambridge, has grown into a worldwide phenomena embraced by diverse cultures around the world.

Written in Stone
One large stone cut into nine, engraved with the laws of the game in different languages. Four stones stay on Parker’s Piece, the others travel to five countries across the planet in a cultural exchange.
Interpreted Worldwide
For centuries, Parker's Piece has been used for sport, recreation and public events. But where do you play football? Share your stories, photographs and film about the beautiful game wherever it is played.
Brought Back to Cambridge
In 2018, football stories, images and sounds gathered from around the world will be displayed on Parker’s Piece as Cambridge’s stone marker is unveiled - celebrating the city’s role in the story of football.
Richard Bishop
Old Boltonians FC in Chapeltown. This ground was originally used by Turton FC, one of the pioneers of football in the North West. Records show football has been played on this site since at least 1856. Among the clubs to… Read More
Georgina Gardner Stockley
Spartak vs. Lokomotiv. October 2015. My first experience of a Russian football match. I went with my French friend Elodie and not only did it feel like we were the only non-Russians in attendance we were the only females not… Read More
Richard Bishop
This is the Grandstand at Great Yarmouth Town FC, it was opened on 11 June 1892 and is widely considered to be the oldest football stand in the world still in use. I watched my first match here in 1971… Read More
Jack Reeve
This photo was taken in a Primary School in Nairobi in 2013. I travelled out there with some school friends to carry out charity work and while we were there we had some time to play football with the children.… Read More