About Cambridge Rules
What began as a simple set of rules for a game of football played on a patch of ground in Cambridge, has grown into a worldwide phenomena embraced by diverse cultures around the world.

Written in Stone
One large stone cut into nine, engraved with the laws of the game in different languages. Four stones stay on Parker’s Piece, the others travel to five countries across the planet in a cultural exchange.
Interpreted Worldwide
For centuries, Parker's Piece has been used for sport, recreation and public events. But where do you play football? Share your stories, photographs and film about the beautiful game wherever it is played.
Brought Back to Cambridge
In 2018, football stories, images and sounds gathered from around the world will be displayed on Parker’s Piece as Cambridge’s stone marker is unveiled - celebrating the city’s role in the story of football.

"They'll be dancing in the streets of Total Network Solutions tonight!" I used to go to watch TNS (Total Network Solutions) – as they were called back then – now they are called The New Saints. They played at a… Read More

Néstor García Melcón
Nestor sent Cambridge Rules this image with no text. First of all we wrote to him to ask him for a bit more information about why he supported CA Cerro from Montevideo, who are fifth in the Uruguayan Premier League… Read More

Seb Ward
Mums and sons, dads and daughters: those were the teams who stepped out onto the white sands of Calgary Beach, Mull. The pitch markings soon became difficult to see as sand cascaded from boots, wellies and very occassionally, actual football… Read More

Luis Atilio Silva
Que soy de Nacional porque es el único equipo para defender el cual hubo gente que dejó una revolución en marcha y se vino a la ciudad; porque es la primera institución deportiva realmente nacional que se formó en este… Read More

Joel McTaggart
Full-time at The Crabble following a 5-0 home win for the mighty Dover. My first time down there to see my dad's old local team and a huge contrast to watching Manchester City each week. As the ground is built… Read More